Height: 6'4" 193cm
Weight: 15st 95kg
Hair: Short/greying
Eyes: Grey/green

A biography within a page is going to be quite an achievement so a quick overview is all I can provide.
Current status:
I live in Yorkshire, happily married for 40 plus years, two children both grown up and live away from home (Thank God!)
Became an actor seven years ago after doing a refresher course in London and thoroughly enjoy the work. I particularly enjoy film and television roles, a list of latest projects are in the filmography that includes five feature films, television series, short films, commercials and a musical video.
Before taking up acting full time I had retired following 30 years in the Police Service where I spent my time front lining, C.I.D. And dealing with victims of crime. Enjoyed the work immensely even though many nasty bits had to be dealt with, it was rewarding!
I kept my sanity by contrasting my spare time doing theatre work, musicals, plays and by being part of a music hall group., (Not the usual pastimes for a policeman though)
Prior to that spent a couple of years at drama school in Birmingham where I met she who must be obeyed!
Before that however I had a terrific eight years in the merchant navy and Royal Navy leaving as a navigating officer to start at drama school.
So, in a few short sentences, this is me....a hard nose copper with a tender touch, a family man, who, despite all their efforts still loves them, who spent and awful long time doing musicals, plays and entertaining up front and a history of being a somewhat sophisticated naval officer to boot!